Our electronic cigarette reviews help you decide which e cigarette brands can be bought online from Australia, as this is the only way to access them currently.
My Best 5 Picks For E Cig Brands in 2014 (only available online in Australia)
1. V2 Cigs – My Review
2. South Beach Smoke – My Review
3. Green Smoke – My Review
4. Bull Smoke – My Review
5. Halo – My Review
And here is some more on the debate about “should they or shouldn’t they be Available in Australia
‘Electronic cigarettes, commonly known as e-cigarettes, are skyrocketing in use. Whereas 50,000 of these little devices were sold in the U.S. in 2008, sales reached 5 million in 2012.
Manufacturers and other purveyors of e-cigarettes claim that they are either safe or abundantly safer than smoking tobacco. Most mainstream public health advocates flatly discourage their use because of potential dangers. Still other public health and medical professionals, some from prominent academic institutions, see the e-cigarette as a legitimate harm-reduction strategy and possible aid to cessation for current smokers.
So what does one make of this relatively new nicotine product?’
I guess this only means that you will have to decide for yourself. I know what I think about buying e cigarettes in Australia and you can read it here.